5 Life Hacks You Can Use

A life hack is a way or tool to be used to make our lives more simple, easier and efficient. Life hacks can also not only save us time but also money by just doing something simple. These 5 life hacks can be used everyday.

  1. Nail Polish Keys: Tired of finding which keys goes to where? Tired of looking for the specific key to your door out of dozen keys in your key chain? Here is a simple life hack that can solve that problem for you. Take your nail polish out and color the keys you use everyday. You can choose a specific color for every key. Your brain will easily remember which color key goes to which door.

2. Find Missing Items: Looking for a lost ring that went missing? With this life hack, you can easily find small things hidden in carpets or around corners. Just take a piece of cloth and wrap it around your vacuum hose. Attach this cloth by either tape, string or rubber band. Move the vacuum hose around the carpet and once you find something, it attaches to the front of the opening without going inside the tube. Your missing item can easily be found and removed by this life hack method.

3. Light up a candle with Pasta: Do you have a candle that is deep and you cannot each in there with a lighter? Dont burn fingers by attempting to light it with a lighter. This life hack can save you time and your fingers from burning. Take a dry pasta noodle and light it up with a lighter. The fire from the pasta noodle will not be intense but actually burn slow. Reach the lit up pasta noodle inside the candle and light the candle up.

4. Iron Clothes with Ice: Do you have wrinkly clothes that need to be ironed and you don’t have time? This simple life hack method will save you a lot of time. Put those wrinkled clothes in the dryer and put one or two ice cubes inside the dryer and turn it on for five minutes. You will see that your clothes have magically been ironed and even smell great.

5. Ice Cold Soda: Do you want to drink an ice cold soda but the soda is warm and not in the fridge? With this life hack, you can have a cold soda in a few minutes. Take a napkin or two and water it. Take the napkin and wrap it around a warm soda. Put the soda in the freezer for 5 minutes and you will have a soda that is cold. Just don’t forget the soda in the freezer, otherwise it will explode.